One27 Media House One27 Media House

"Rewilding through writing was a precious and intimate group experience that brought me in touch with aspects of my writing I had not yet explored. Vanessa is not only a beautiful writer and accomplished author, she is also a wonderful facilitator with so much wisdom to share about writing and the nuances that come with developing, honoring, and honing your personal craft.”
— Monica Rodgers The Revelation Project & The Revelation Project Podcast

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One27 Media House One27 Media House

"Participating in Rewilding Through Writing was one of the most life changing decisions I did not know I needed. Between the lovely relationships forged with other writers, and the cozy safe space, the writing and creativity that was born each week was one of universal synergy that I am still at a loss for words to describe. Vanessa has a gift of facilitating space for creators to grow into themselves in the most magical way possible. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to get in touch with themselves, their senses, and their own creativity in a new and innovative way."
— Dr. Erin Woolridge, ND

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One27 Media House One27 Media House

“The Rewilding through Writing workshop called to me during a huge transitional time, as I stepped into motherhood. The prompts helped me listen to my inner child and her longing to be reanimated through connection to her wild nature. I'm grateful for the space to have my writer-voice come out. Vanessa's offerings have a way of speaking to my soul, or having my soul speak to me, when I need to hear it most.”
— Jessica Strom, artist & herbalist

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One27 Media House One27 Media House

“The Rewilding writing group guides me outside of the vacuum of internal dialogue so I can look back and understand the impact of my written words outside of myself. Exploring my through reflective and experimental writing prompts has gifted me wisdom to understand my constellation of ideas, how they are connected, and how together they are the material that allows me to live into my wildest dreams of creation.”
— Mairead Dambruch, Artist & Musician

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